# Interactive dashboard Follow the following steps in order to generate the report. 1- Import the InteractiveDashboard class from **OlliePy** ``` from olliepy import InteractiveDashboard ``` 2- Select columns to be used in the dashboard ``` categorical_features = ['year', 'country', 'region','remote_sale', 'salesman_position', 'product_type', 'product_subtype'] numerical_features = ['latitude', 'longitude', 'number_of_sales', 'distance_travelled_in_KM', 'sales_amount_in_dollars', 'unit_price'] date_features = ['date'] ``` 3- Create the dashboard. ``` dashboard = InteractiveDashboard(title='Sales dashboard', output_directory='.', dashboard_folder_name='SALES_DASHBOARD', dataframes=[df], dataframes_names=['Sales'], numerical_columns=numerical_features, categorical_columns=categorical_features, date_columns=date_features, generate_encryption_secret=False) ``` ``` dashboard.create_dashboard(auto_generate_distribution_plots=True) ``` 9- View the dashboard using one of the following methods - Using a local server ``` dashboard.serve_dashboard_from_local_server(mode='server', load_existing_dashboard=False) ``` You can also use ```start_dashboard.sh``` or ```start_dashboard.bat``` in the dashboard folder to start the server. Make sure you have selected the right python environment before running the shell/batch script. - Save then view the dashboard locally using the index.html file ``` dashboard.save_dashboard(zip_dashboard=True) ```